General Mental Health Resources
National Suicide & Crisis Hotline
988 is a national hotline for people experiencing an acute mental health crisis. This is a free, confidential hotline with the number 9-8-8, which is open 24/7. Support is provided in English and Spanish.
Center for Clinical Interventions (CCI)
The CCI provides self-help resources for various disorders; facts and information sheets; brochures about treatment services and programs; psychotherapy clinics across the United States.
Psychiatry DataBase (PsychDB)
PsychDB provides information sheets for different psychotherapies; therapy handouts and workbooks for patients; provides all DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for various disorders.
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
The NIMH provides facts about the etiology, prevalence, and treatment of mental disorders; update-to-date research projects and clinical trials; and resources for receiving professional help.
Therapist Finders